![]() If you can’t handle me in three or more dimensions You don’t get to have me in two You one dimensional fool If you can’t digest my substance and my messiness Seeing only the perfect image you behold You won’t get any of me, not anymore If you can’t treat me with the respect You would want any man to show your most sensitive daughter I withdraw any respect I ever held for you If you keep putting me on hold when you were Once so eager for me to answer the phone This fantasy of ours will cease to be reality Poetry by Jamie Marich
Mixed Media by Jamie Marich based on a photograph by Michael Gargano
"The river doesn't come to your home. You have to go get the water." -Swami Kripalu Being a student of tantra Means that life makes me wet I float on the river its energy creates To the Source that is Home The place where I don't Have to pretend to be anything I'm not I trust the banks that Nature puts in place Since letting the river run dry Would be a disaster No longer an option because Being is all there is Being is who I really am I am the river and the Ocean I am the energy and the Source I am complete I am Home Photo of Jamie by Kalindi Hoffmann
Dance for yourself
like you want to dance for him When you move as a river touching your body with delight Know that you are touching eternity herself, the Divine Goddess When your hips unleash a torrent of sensual bliss Know that you are creating flames to warm the earth entire When you quiver with electricity and beckon him to come Know that you are connecting with your True Divine Nature Yours, not his Did I Just Write a Song?: Expressive Arts and My Recovery Journey by Dr. Jamie (Pragya) Marich8/20/2019 Originally published on InTheRooms, May 2019
During my first attempt at recovery, I learned to play the guitar. At the time, I worked for a Catholic Parish and aid organization in post-war Bosnia-Hercegovina. There was a kind Irish priest (and former rock n’ roller) also in residence who knew that I liked to sing. However, the only instrument I played, the violin, didn’t lend itself well to accompaniment. So he very patiently taught me the art of making chords and strumming. I found that when I was bored in those early days of figuring out what to do with myself, practicing the chords and the necessary movements to move between them more fluidly kept me busy. Then one day, the chord progression I was working on provided me a back drop to create a tune. Led by that tune, I started singing the angst of my heart and calling out to my Higher Power, desperate for a deeper spiritual awakening. Did I just write a song? Playing music and writing music was a lifeline for me in my first few years of sobriety. I ended up taking my last drink less than a year after I stumbled upon what it meant to compose music that is deeply meaningful to my personal journey. Always a lover of reading and writing poetry, the thought of composing a song always felt impossibly complicated. Yet through my trial-and-error, coupled with some experimentation, I discovered just how accessible writing songs was for me as a form of expression. In the field of expressive arts therapy, we call this being in process. In other words, not having a fixed or forced outcome in mind. Rather, we set an intention to express and to explore, learning from our mistakes along the way. Being in process like this teaches us lessons we may have never dreamed possible. In the field of expressive arts therapy, we encourage clients and people in the community to keep an open mind to exploring all forms of creativity and expression—music, dance/movement, writing, visual art, dramatics, you name it! We embrace an all-of-the-above approach. So while the creative form that may feel most accessible to you can be a great place to start (for me it was music and writing), the practices that feel outside your comfort zone may have the most to teach you. For me, I long believed that the visual arts were my “weak link,” because I was never any good at art in school. Yet when I began deepening my commitment to practicing all of the expressive arts for my own healing and recovering journey, I actually discovered that visual art had the most to teach me. Because I wasn’t focused on it being “good,” I was just able to have fun, be in my body, and learn to not beat myself up for making mistakes. As result, playing with the visual arts in the later years of recovery had just as much to teach me about myself and the healing journey as playing music did in those early days. This all describes the magic that we call process in the world of expressive arts. You may have noticed that the title of my latest book Process Not Perfection: Expressive Arts Solutions in Trauma Recovery takes a twist on the recovery slogan “progress not perfection.” For me, both the power of process in expressive arts therapy and this wisdom at this slogan are trying to teach us the same thing—don’t force outcome. Learn from the process and the journey. In early 2017 as I begin stirring with ideas for bringing this book into existence, this poem came out of me that ended up revealing the title: In Process Works of art in gestation Are often called Works in progress The slogans and inspirational Clichés call for Progress not perfection We judge students and employees With the metric of a Progress report What if we were to change Every use of the work "progress" With the word "process"? What if works of art in Gestation are called Works in process? What if we encouraged People to focus on Process not perfection? What if our metrics of Evaluation took on the tone of Process report? What if we were to live our lives in process? All life could transform Into a journey of art making, Fueled by the expressive spirit We could refrain from Judging ourselves so harshly And instead savor the unknown From the unknown and yes, Even from our mistakes We can discover a new way of being From what we once labeled failures We may unearth a new solution, A new way to solve a problem By creating in the moment and Not forcing the big picture May we encounter the essence of meaning. If you are looking for meaningful ways to bring expressive practices into your recovery journey, please consider checking out Process Not Perfection. It is written for the general public in a voice that I hope allows you to feel safe enough to take this journey with me. I also have several opportunities where you can connect with a growing community of folks in recovery who also practice the expressive arts, specifically the Dancing Mindfulness and Expressive Arts Community Forum on Facebook. You are also welcome to visit my complimentary resources website at www.traumamadesimple.com for a wide selection of meditation, yoga, and other skill videos linked from my YouTube channel. And if you explore that YouTube channel (Jamie Marich) long enough (and go back far enough), you can also find some footage of me playing music! I love you with an old-fashioned heart
Maybe the leftovers of another lifetime My God, loving you was easier then In this time, in this place I am just another misfit with an Old-fashioned heart and an even Older soul who hopes we can one day Find ourselves on the same page of Our tattered storybook A single tear runs down my face Smearing the ink off my lonely page Soon there will be an empty canvas And I do not know what will be created A solo piece, or a call and response For now, the not knowing must be enough Photography of Jamie by Ellen DeCarlo (2004) I AM a feather on the breath of God
Feathers come in different sizes, shapes, colors and textures God uses my uniqueness to radiate the world I AM one feather, and i delight in the feather that i am. I AM a flute through which the wind of the hours plays music There are a variety of flutes on this earth: Different tones, different timbers God uses my sometimes klunky instrument to play in the symphony I AM one flute, and i delight in the flute that i am. I AM a being through which the Divine river flows All rivers return to the ocean, Taking different routes to get there God has wound my river on a weird and wonderful path I AM one river, and i delight in the river that i am. -Poetry and artwork by Dr. Jamie Marich, based on lines from St. Hildegard of Bingen, Khalil Gibran, and Rainer Maria Rilke The earth and sky are one
Just as Jesus and Hanuman are One How could one ever go back to sleep After being this awakened? How could anyone hear their name Shouted in anger again When they've finally heard it Whispered with such love. The earth and sky are one Just as Jesus and Hanuman are One The truth finally found me May I never get lost again Photography (of Jamie) by Ola Sobanski In the supreme quiet of morning
I can just be Sitting on the deck Surveying the landscape Both internal and external It's good to have land Especially when I can walk on it As myself Breathing fully into The possibilities of each day The water neutralizes The fire within me And I swim freely Refreshed and renewed Returning to sit once again How sweet it is to be home My anchor, my ground My renewal and hibernation The wayward come and go Filling my space with delight My home lives and breathes Ebbs and flows like the seasons The common thread is Profound gratitude for having Learned to come home to myself. Lord Hanuman,
Send your monkey army To heal my broken heart. Fly down to India's southern tip Like you did to rescue Mama Sita Rescue me, my sweet Baba. As I pray to you, I wonder Have you given me the Answers I need all along? The answers to heal myself? Breath that flows through me And a heart that only knows how to love? Lord Hanuman, Send your monkey army To heal my broken heart-- You already have! Before I even knew your name You equipped me with my salvation My heart breathes into the sacred union. Photograph by Jamie Marich My strength
the flow of my creativity the power of sensuality the channel of divine Grace Thank you, my sweet hips For expelling the demons from my sacred body Even when I felt pain from your struggle I know with a scared certainty You have never once abandoned me And as I access your precious energy Your dances will lead me home Steadfast, to the authentic joy that I am. Poetry by Jamie Marich, featuring of photograph of Jamie by Lauren Bergamo |
Dr. Jamie MarichCurator of the Dancing Mindfulness expressive arts blog: a celebration of mindfully-inspired, multi-modal creativity Archives
September 2022